***** Update May 2024 *****
We are actively focused on hiring postdocs, research scientists, graduate students, and computational scientists with established expertise in neuroscience subdisciplines, including electrophysiology, synaptic plasticity, engrams, structural and functional neural circuit mapping, artificial intelligence algorithms for synapse analysis, and 2-photon glutamate uncaging. If you are interested in  cross-training in chromatin biology, genomics technologies, and RNA-based mechanisms and excited about the prospects of understanding chromatin and RNA mechanisms encoding complex neurological phenotypes- contact Jenn at jcremins(at)seas(dot)upenn(dot)edu


We are actively hiring across multiple open positions!

Send an email with your CV to Jennifer: jcremins(at)seas(dot)upenn(dot)edu

Postdocs: Highly motivated applicants are encouraged to send me an email, including a statement of research interests, career goals, and a CV.

Graduate Students: We welcome graduate students from nearly all graduate programs at Penn, including Bioengineering (BE), Neuroscience, Genomics and Computational Biology (GCB), Cell and Molecular Biology (CAMB), and Statistics programs.

Research Scientists and Technicians: We are hiring molecular biology, genomics, genome engineering, and cell biology wet lab research scientists and research technicians to join our team for periods of two years or longer. To apply for a position, please send an email describing your research interest, career goals, expected work schedule, and a copy of your CV.

Computational Analysts: We are actively hiring computational analysts with strong experience working with python and strong interest in finding biologically meaningful patterns in high-resolution genome folding data.